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White Plants


 Our offerings include Reiki & gentle yoga, all designed to help you connect with your inner self, achieve balance, and enhance your sense of well-being. Reiki promotes relaxation and balance through gentle, non-invasive touch, facilitating your body’s self-healing. Our gentle yoga classes cater to all levels, using mindful movements and breathwork to improve self-connection and regulate the nervous system. 

Energy Healing

Reiki (remote/distance) 


Welcome to our Reiki Healing Services, where we assist you in unlocking your innate ability to heal and achieve balance. Reiki is a gentle, holistic healing practice that emphasizes relaxation, balance, and overall well-being. It operates on the understanding that every individual possesses the power to heal themselves, and our practitioners are here to facilitate this natural process.

A remote or distance Reiki session is a therapeutic practice where a Reiki practitioner channels healing energy to a recipient who is not physically present. The principles of Reiki, which are based on the idea of universal life energy and the ability to direct this energy, allow for healing across distances. The sessions can be done on a video call but it's not required.   Here's a detailed description of what a typical distant Reiki session might look like:

Preparation Before the Session

  1. Setting Up the Space:

    • Practitioner: The Reiki practitioner will create a calm, serene environment, often using soft lighting, and soothing music, They may have a designated space where they conduct distant sessions, which might include a comfortable chair or meditation cushion, a Reiki table, and any symbols or tools they use during their practice.

    • Recipient: The recipient is advised to find a quiet, comfortable place where they won't be disturbed. This could be a room at home, a garden, or any space where they feel relaxed. They should ideally lie down or sit in a comfortable position.

  2. Intention Setting:

    • Practitioner: The practitioner sets a clear intention for the session, focusing on the specific healing needs or goals of the recipient. They may use visualization techniques, Reiki symbols, or a short meditation to attune to the recipient's energy.

    • Recipient: The recipient can set their own intention for the session, thinking about what they want to achieve or heal. This could be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual well-being.

During the Session

  1. Establishing Connection:

    • Practitioner: The practitioner may begin with a grounding exercise, such as deep breathing or a brief meditation. They then visualize or sense the recipient's presence, using tools like a photo, name, or location to focus their energy.

    • Recipient: The recipient is encouraged to relax deeply, perhaps starting with a few minutes of deep breathing or a meditation to calm their mind and body.

  2. Energy Transmission:

    • Practitioner: Using Reiki symbols and hand positions (mentally or physically), the practitioner channels Reiki energy to the recipient. This process involves various hand positions over different areas of the body, which the practitioner visualizes or senses. 

    • Recipient: The recipient might feel various sensations during this time, such as warmth, tingling, a sense of calm, or even emotional releases. They are encouraged to remain open to the experience and observe any thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations without judgment.

  3. Duration:

    • The session typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. The practitioner will intuitively decide when the session feels complete, often indicated by a sense of closure or completion in the energy flow.


  1. Grounding and Closing:

    • Practitioner: The practitioner will ground themselves and the recipient, often using grounding techniques. They may thank the Reiki energy and the recipient for the session, closing with a short meditation or prayer.

    • Recipient: The recipient is advised to take their time coming back to full awareness. They might be encouraged to drink water, eat something light, or journal about their experience.

  2. Feedback and Follow-Up:

    • Practitioner and Recipient: The practitioner may check in with the recipient afterward, either immediately or within a day or two, to discuss any experiences, sensations, or emotions that arose during the session. This feedback can help both the practitioner and the recipient understand the healing process and plan any future sessions if needed.


Overall, a distance Reiki session is a holistic and intuitive process, emphasizing the connection between the practitioner and recipient, regardless of physical distance. It leverages the principles of energy healing to promote balance, relaxation, and healing on multiple levels.

A typical Reiki session lasts between 45 minutes to an hour. The overall goal is to promote relaxation, balance the client’s energy, and support their natural healing processes.

Gentle Yoga Classes (virtual) 

Tune Into Your Body and Enhance Your Self-Connection: Welcome to our Gentle Yoga Classes, where the focus is on tuning into your body, enhancing your connection with yourself, and promoting overall well-being. Our classes are designed to be gentle and suitable for all levels, providing a nurturing environment for everyone from beginners to experienced practitioners.

Yoga Class for all Ages

Class Focus

  • Body Awareness: Learn to listen to your body’s signals and respond with mindful movement and breath.

  • Self-Connection: Develop a deeper connection with yourself through gentle, intentional practice that honors your body’s unique needs.

  • Nervous System Regulation: Discover techniques to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, fostering relaxation and reducing stress.


What to Expect

  • Gentle Movements: Engage in slow, mindful movements that help increase flexibility, strength, and body awareness without strain.

  • Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices that encourage you to be present in the moment, deepening your connection with yourself and your surroundings.

  • Restorative Poses: Experience restorative yoga poses that promote deep relaxation and support the body’s natural healing processes.


Benefits of Our Gentle Yoga Classes

  • Stress Reduction: Learn to regulate your nervous system, reducing stress and promoting a state of calm.

  • Improved Self-Awareness: Develop a greater understanding of your body’s needs and signals.

  • Enhanced Relaxation: Activate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping your body relax and recover from daily stressors.

  • Inclusive Environment: Our classes are accessible and beneficial for all levels, from beginners to seasoned yogis..


Sign up for a class today and begin your path to enhanced well-being and self-connection.




  • Reiki is a complementary healing practice that promotes relaxation and well-being. It is not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment.

  • Practitioners of reiki do not diagnose conditions, prescribe medications, or interfere with treatments from licensed medical professionals.

  • It is recommended that clients consult with their healthcare provider for any medical concerns or conditions. The practitioner is not responsible for any health decisions made by the client.



  • Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that offers numerous health benefits. However, it should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

  • Participants should consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise regimen, including yoga, especially if they have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns.

  • The instructor is not liable for any injuries or adverse effects that may occur during or after participating in a yoga session. Participants are responsible for practicing within their own limits and abilities.

By participating in intuitive tarot readings, reiki sessions, or yoga classes, clients acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to this disclaimer. They accept full responsibility for their own well-being and any decisions they make as a result of these services.

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